1.  When I met a person in the first time, I usually unconsciously prejudge him in accordance with my common knowledge.

2.  The first time I met Rachel, she was looking around at the school gate.

3.  Besides, they never care too much about their appearance so they are slovenly for most of the time.

4.  The second time when I met her, she was dancing at a farewell party.

5.  It's time that the annual season of new arrivals on campus approached.

6.  At first, I regarded her to be pretending, but as time flew, she never changed this habit.

7.  One day, I couldn't help asking her why she did that, she told me that, " When I entered the university at the very start, I thought it was time for me to relax.

8.  When it's time to fix up assignments, journals work.

9.  Until that time, this kind of stereotype can be removed.

10.  That way, the leaflets could be used for the second time and the campus could be more environmental-friendly.

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