41.  Depicting these trips almost as corporate retreats, el-Hage described picnics and swimming, and sessions at which bin Laden railed against the corrupt Saudi regime.

42.  Designers often depend on color associations to make customers comfortable: but these are intentionally uncomfortable colors.

43.  Desire is real, these songs said, but society's remedy for it is fake, leading the seeker of satisfaction on a painfully incomplete quest.

44.  Culver says companies use more behavioral questions these days, asking applicants for specific examples of how they've worked well under pressure or shown initiative or displayed teamwork.

45.  Cunningham: I'll tell you something about watching Alice all these years is that from the early days she was basically shy and hesitant about expressing herself.

46.  Depression rates are very high all around the world among people with hard lives, and these people tend to be disproportionately poor.

47.  Deprived of oxygen, nerve cells in the affected part of the brain die, causing paralysis or diminished function in parts of the body controlled by these nerves.

48.  Deprived of Soviet subsidies, these farms have become moribund, with many unable to operate or pay their workers.

49.  Delegates polled by Apoyo research group said these two issues must be economic priorities for Peru.

50.  Dell has assembled several PC packages with these features and more in time for the holidays, ranging in price from $2,899 to $1,849.

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