31.  Any team doing anything in hoops these days has to have two things: A strong post game and three-point shooters.

32.  Designed to suppress the drug trade, these sentences rivaled those for murder and rape.

33.  Designer Donna Karan refers to these clothes as "the glamour of comfort," meaning sportswear separates done in unexpected, easy-to-wear fabric combinations.

34.  CULTURE AND ENTERTAINMENT ("e" code) BROADWAY-AID (New York) _ These are salad days for Broadway.

35.  Culture on the cheap: Quit complaining that all the good stuff costs big bucks and check out these two freebies on June 4.

36.  Depending on the market, these could include weekly newspapers, specialized advertising publications and such marketing services as distribution, direct marketing and database marketing.

37.  Depending on the size of the layoff, the agency may not be able to meet many of these judicial deadlines, officials said.

38.  Depending on what machinery is used and how it is calibrated, some of these kinds of goods might have to be barred from normal mail service.

39.  Depending on whose investment advice you're reading these days, the stock market is either poised for a rally, marking time or due for a fall.

40.  Depending on your needs, it's worth comparing it to these when you go test driving.

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