81.  Curtis didn't provide any solid evidence to support his contention.

82.  Desperate to support her habit, she turned $10 tricks on the "day shift."

83.  Despite a bad game or two, Hitchcock has improved greatly, allowing just one touchdown in 11 games while also providing good run support.

84.  Despite a party platform that opposes abortion, the Senate's three GOP women _ Hutchison, Snowe, and Susan Collins of Maine _ support abortion rights.

85.  Despite a warming trend in U.S.-Sino relations and despite Boeing's political support of Beijing, the company still has few sales to show for its efforts.

86.  Despite a weekend of diplomatic activity, the administration drew only limited support from its allies.

87.  Democrat James McGreevey, who is attempting to unseat Gov. Christie Whitman, won major support Tuesday when the New Jersey State AFL-CIO announced it would endorse his candidacy.

88.  Democrat Ken Bentsen beat Beverly Clark despite her support from the religious right, but now faces Republican Gene Fontenot, who has also attracted their strong support.

89.  Democratic and Republican House aides said that when Frost voiced opposition to moving the measure through the Rules Committee, the bipartisan support collapsed.

90.  Democratic elected officials from around the state say they expect many of their constituents to support McCain, and are not even trying to talk them out of it.

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