31.  Almost three-fourths of respondents to a recent Rocky Mountain survey said they favor the initiative, with support steady across political lines and among different age groups.

32.  Cuomo enters the race with some obvious advantages, including the support of much of the Democratic network that supported his father, politically and financially.

33.  Cuomo has tried and failed to persuade the Legislature to support a complete state takeover of those costs.

34.  Delegates will actually be selected in closed party caucuses on March 7, where Gore will be favored because of his broad support among unions and party activists.

35.  Delgadillo's action Monday received support from local representatives of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund and the American Civil Liberties Union.

36.  Dell is increasing its manufacturing capability in Limerick, people and adding to its sales and support center in the Dublin suburb of Bray.

37.  Dell leads the industry in shifting technical support to the Web, Kumar said.

38.  Dell shifted much of its recent growth to Nashville, where it opened manufacturing, sales and support operations in 1999.

39.  Despite all the dollars allocated to expanding the police force and increasing arrests, there is little support for similarly expanding the budget for the control of prisoners.

40.  Cuomo, who did play minor-league baseball before becoming a lawyer, recalled how Austin seemed to work with little communal support.

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