1.  She was always such a top student in school that wherever she went, even in shopping mall, on the plane, in the cafeteria she took a book with her.

2.  Girl who study science, boy who study social science\

3.  People always think of such subjects' features as learners' character.

4.  I did not realize a stereotype until many seniors in DII admitted having been set in such embarrassment and until the leader stressed on presence in each meeting and activity to me in private after the first assembly of the organization.

5.  Large quantity of terrific projects in different classes have proved such responsibility.

6.  All the features should be taken into account before considering such a "group" or "community".

7.  It's not fair to make such a list about someone without knowing him further.

8.  What we cherish and value should be collected on the basis of self-examinations of such stereotyping.

9.  ' \

10.  However in fact I have never known about such kind of people, let alone their personalities.

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