1.  Although his subjects may not see it _ and, indeed, many did not _ he sees it.

2.  Any rational person could see that my father's conduct had been totally and incontrovertibly wrong.

3.  Defensive tackle Keith Hamilton frantically patted down his clothing to see if he had mistakenly brought in a live phone.

4.  Denmark is expected to see a surplus on its general finances in 2000 of about 1 percent of GDP.

5.  Dennis and Dozier see no end to the migration.

6.  Dennis Messing said he hoped he would have a chance to see Josh privately to help console him.

7.  Dennis Rodman had an impressive game with 22 points and 22 rebounds, but it's not likely the Spurs will see such a bizarre performance from Robinson.

8.  Dennis Rodman will see to that.

9.  Dennis Ross, the administration's special envoy for the Middle East, will fly to see Barak on Monday, Lockhart said.

10.  Dennis said the Seattle-based airplane maker would see strong orders again this year, though he declined to be specific.

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