1.  Intensity is the magnitude of the perceived sensation and can be categorized as strong, moderate, faint etc., whereas the character of an odour is the odour sensation which enables the nose to distinguish one odour from another presumably on the basis of prior knowledge.

2.  This acknowledgement is not derived from a prior knowledge of facts, rather it is a precondition of there being any facts.

3.  And Bluestone Consulting Inc of Mount Laurel, New Jersey, also has a graphical user interface environment for character-based applications on show: ONYX, which it developed itself, brings a Motif-like look and feel to existing applications, requiring no prior knowledge of GUI programming, X or Motif, says the company.

4.  Management has prior knowledge of the groupings and has agreed to accept short-term substitution when they arise.

5.  To ascribe diagnosis of such cases solely to ultrasonography is thus incorrect as prior knowledge of the results of biochemical screening could lead to a bias in identifying cases by ultrasonography.

6.  In an effort to prove prior official knowledge of an imminent terrorist attack around the time of the Lockerbie bombing, Pan Am lawyers issued subpoenas on Sept. 27, 1989, calling on the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and five other US government departments to disclose results of Western, particularly Israeli, surveillance of the Pan Am baggage-handling area at Frankfurt airport.

7.  Brenda Acton, a seemingly competent and well-organized person, had a habit of talking about various events in her life as if other people had prior knowledge of the circumstances leading up to these events.

8.  It is a measure of Edward II's loss of control of his family that a matter as important as his heir's marriage could be arranged without his prior knowledge or consent.

9.  The police had been excluded from prior knowledge of the arrests, but quickly built up an accurate picture.

10.  As four chapters will demonstrate, there are different places to find art criticism; a monograph will afford the greatest opportunity for full critical treatment, while a brief newspaper article is most likely to omit one or more of the three helpful elements, perhaps through the writer's assuming prior knowledge on the reader's part.

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