11.  Because the novel relies on prior literary knowledge, each individual reading will necessarily be the idiosyncratic result of an interaction between the proper names given and the reader's capacity to "round out" these names by furnishing them with personalities and circumstantial details (which may vary considerably even between readers who have read the same texts).

12.  PARAMILITARY police fired shots and sealed off Panama's opposition headquarters yesterday, locking former presidential candidate Guillermo Endara inside for two hours after opposition leaders held a press conference to deny involvement in prior knowledge of Tuesday's failed coup attempt.

13.  I do not know whether the other two also had prior knowledge, but no one gave any indication to this effect as we all filed silently to the Cabinet Room.

14.  It was hard to tell, Loretta thought, which of them was the more disappointed by the other's prior knowledge of the news.

15.  If there is prior knowledge of such problems selection along stratification lines is probably preferable.

16.  Thinking requires prior knowledge and learning - it makes little sense to reinvent the wheel - but too much emphasis on learning what has been the case can inhibit the growth of thinking about how to do things in unusual and interesting ways.

17.  Certainly schools which have sixth forms try hard to make use of prior knowledge about each student's performance and information about his or her potential.

18.  The manager who does read the latest circular, the latest information pack, the latest draft of organizational requirements in the privacy of the weekend at home has already gone through the experience either of having an appetite whetted by prior knowledge or of a palate blunted by a flavour which is already old.

19.  Ensure that software cannot be modified without the prior knowledge of all users concerned.

20.  Since the number of suitable translocations, reciprocal and Robertsonian, which can be used as easily recognized markers is limited (see 17 for listings and linkage information), it is proposed here to describe a more general approach to in situ hybridization assuming no prior knowledge of the position of the unique sequence in the genome.

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