41.  As a candidate, Gore has shown remarkable steadiness, responding to attacks but keeping his eye on his own forward-looking issues, especially the primacy of educational improvements.

42.  As a celebrity in his own right, Fox also opened some doors in obtaining talent and resources.

43.  Depending on their parents' behavior and their own sensitivity, many kids feel overly monitored, evaluated, and critiqued.

44.  Depending on who is telling the story, he can seem to be a predatory charlatan, a disillusioned idealist or a believer in his own rhetoric.

45.  Desperate for whatever meager gratification it can find, SmartToaster may spend hours surfing the Internet on its own.

46.  DeLay will then lead the fight against his own amendment, which would explicitly authorize federal and state limits on campaign spending and contributions.

47.  Delays in getting the dump built meant that APS had to build a $3.9 million on-site storage facility of its own.

48.  Delegate Janet Caro Murphy of Dallas found her own way into Democratic politics as a New York delegate to the 1972 and 1980 conventions.

49.  Cummings only has to look at his own books to come to this conclusion.

50.  Cummins said it would own one-third of the joint venture.

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