21.  Any shot of an asteroid or a moon other than our own will be short on detail unless it came from a spacecraft.

22.  Dern has returned to work part-time at the Van Nuys pharmacy she and her husband own, and occasionally baby-sits her four grandchildren.

23.  DeRobbio and Schwarz rejected the offer, a move that Gehl said proves the buyout group does not want to own Gehl.

24.  Degas also held on to some of his own works because for a time he had thoughts of opening a museum in his Paris home.

25.  Del Castillo doesn't feel the time-is-money pressure that most groups face -- he owns his own studio, Smiling Castle Productions in Austin.

26.  Del Tredici's own commission was for a work of some 40 minutes, called "The Spider and the Fly."

27.  Del Villar got his own chance at reform when President Miguel de la Madrid appointed him in 1982 to head a campaign aimed at rooting out corruption.

28.  DeLay also plans to introduce his own legislation this week that would go much further than Hutchison's.

29.  DeLay has created his own secret groups and harvested uncounted sums for the campaign.

30.  Derrida's voice grew heated, as if he were defending his own child from assault.

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