41.  Arden considers any dog under 20 pounds to be toy material, but points out that the AKC doesn't agree.

42.  Eddie Acevedo, the boxing instructor at St. Mary's Recreation center in the Bronx considers himself a sort of public relations executive.

43.  Edmund Burke considered manners more important than laws.

44.  Economic developers often considered word-of-mouth referrals their best sales strategy.

45.  Economists and international investors consider the changes necessary to streamline the Brazilian economy, reduce debt and save the social security system from insolvency.

46.  Economists consider the survey the broadest gauge of corporate health, since it covers about 20,000 companies.

47.  Elliott considered that irrelevant.

48.  EPA considers any pollutant that results in a lifetime cancer risk greater than one chance in 1 million to be "of concern."

49.  Eric Adams, a 28-year-old carpenter who lives in a Hamlin Street home, considers his family lucky.

50.  Eric Winter considers himself fortunate.

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