1.  All cultures consider it wrong to take a life for no reason.

2.  Economists consider some job losses inevitable, even healthy, because automation leads to higher levels of productivity.

3.  Gwynn considered the salary they were offering a slap in the face.

4.  He considered it an impossible feat, tantamount to asking for eighteen miracles in a row.

5.  He considered the expensive car a visible sign of his achievement.

6.  He considers himself just one of the boys.

7.  Her cousins considered the worst possible punishment a day without Margarett Sargent.

8.  I consider myself highly privileged to have been the first Minister for consumer protection in a completely independent consumer protection Department.

9.  Jim Prior considered it a disastrous Budget which would do nothing to reduce unemployment.

10.  Many consider the general an unrepentant and brutal tyrant.

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