11.  Many residents consider the old house an eyesore.

12.  Plenty of booze and chow round out the celebration, considered the grandaddy of July Fourth blasts.

13.  She considered, trying to ignore the Jangling hangers, with their cold, quick touch.

14.  She considers thin distinction between the pure and the impure an essential part of social order.

15.  Some historians consider lead poisoning a major cause of the fall of the Roman Empire.

16.  Some horologists consider the Jefferys timepiece the first true precision watch.

17.  Steve Scrutton considers legislation essential in many areas.

18.  Sue considered herself very virtuous because she neither drank nor smoked.

19.  The authorities considered these cases suitable for civil, not criminal, legal proceedings.

20.  The Center for the Study of Commercialism considers product placement a Deceitful form of advertising.

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