51.  More than a few people I know consider that wandering Visby's ancient streets was one of the peak experiences of their lives.

52.  McIntyre briefly considered that statement as a potential song lyric, then realized it might sound a little too like the band LFO for him.

53.  Most experts consider that the entire process will not be exhausted until the summer of 2002.

54.  Most of Coach Mack Brown's compensation package, considered competitive with other large university football programs, doesn't come from tax dollars.

55.  Most Protestants consider the police to be heroes, find nothing wrong with the RUC, and are deeply suspicious of attempts to reform it.

56.  Men from tribes considered good breeders were most cherished and were separated from the others.

57.  Mugabe considers the squatters disenfranchised peasants who make up most of the country's population and who have been the base of his party's power.

58.  Naranjo, considered a close ally of Finance Minister Jorge Camet and his economic team, was general manager of the Development Finance Corp.

59.  Ms. Swoopes, considered one of the best college players ever, man or woman, is the first female athlete to have a shoe named in her honor.

60.  Motherhood, long considered a biological imperative that kept women from becoming artists, is one of the show's several potential spinoff themes.

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