11.  Everything considered, Ismail is in the right place at the right time to provide exactly what the Cowboys need.

12.  Everything considered, it's been fun.

13.  Everything considered, it was a very pleasant conversation, and I admire and respect the man more for calling.

14.  Everything considered, it's been great."

15.  Experienced investors consider screening results just the beginning of the evaluation process.

16.  Federal officials consider him and Wilson to be "available for prosecution," said Gary Spratling, deputy assistant attorney general.

17.  Even those countries once considered allies, like the United States, no longer have the patience for Haiti's slow pace of democratic reform.

18.  Few consider that what a united Germany once did to the world, a reunited Germany could do again.

19.  Five games into the second half, consider the list filled.

20.  Fire prevention officials consider Thanksgiving to New Year's too long.

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