1.  Not entirely; to begin with we might take a pragmatic line in the light of new knowledge about the long-term effects of such treatment on a child's subsequent development.

2.  At a time of rapid social change, for example, and through the educational system, the child may acquire a degree of independence as a result of the new knowledge and experiences that he comes to possess.

3.  The character can meet the change head on, in which case we may feel gratified - or sidestep the new knowledge, try to behave as though everything is the same as before.

4.  Hence, there is a need to use some automated technique for rigorously incorporating new knowledge into the existing knowledge base.

5.  Those responsible for in-house training programmes should recognise that older workers can still acquire and retain new knowledge and skills.

6.  The solution of such limited problems might be seen as a triumph of" method" as much as a source of new knowledge.

7.  Since the assumption is that the child will carry around any new linguistic knowledge, there will be no need to take any account of the environment within which the teaching takes place.

8.  By prodding his memory he placed Anna Beckett as the strange, dark little girl who was fostered with Mrs Wooldridge, his laundry woman, and with his new knowledge he thought he could see a slight resemblance to Sarah, though it would never be remarked upon.

9.  This we define as the process of acquiring new knowledge and skills, and critically assessing the views and attitudes which you hold.

10.  Since these qualities are fundamentally expressions of values, attitudes and feelings within the persons, traditional in-service training approaches which concentrate on conveying new knowledge, imparting particular skills or prescribing certain patterns of behaviour are insufficient for headship development.

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