71.  Anyone who gets one of these replies can listen to the message by double-clicking on the attachment.

72.  Anyone who has used Windows 3.1 has suffered through error messages, memory faults and exhausted system resources.

73.  Despite the mention of the Jewish holiday in the message, neither school officials nor the police consider the incident a bias crime.

74.  Dershowitz got the message while appearing Thursday on another news show, CNN's "Larry King Live," the AP quoted a network TV source as saying.

75.  Daley described his message to the staff as being "all about grinding it out for four and a half months."

76.  Daliberti's wife, Kathy Daliberti, has been writing messages on the computer Internet to rally support for her husband.

77.  Deutch heightened the security risk by using the same computers for surfing the Internet, banking online and for sending e-mail messages.

78.  Dallas got the message.

79.  Designers finally may have gotten the message that women buy to suit their lifestyles, rather than just what's on the runway.

80.  Designers have learned to circumvent the fashion press by taking their message directly to consumers via multiple-page advertising inserts in magazines.

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