61.  Art Smith cannot be lured off his message.

62.  Despite the trends, Rodriguez said, the bigger issue is the quantity of sexual messages kids are getting.

63.  Despite this sorry downturn, I'm drawn to write basically the same Thanksgiving message I did in 1997.

64.  Despite this, the message comes across convincingly, even when the script verges on the pedantic or the self-consciously metaphorical.

65.  Department stores across the price spectrum have gotten the same message.

66.  Despite the difficulties, Gingrich and other Republicans are using more and more Spanish to relay their messages to Hispanic voters.

67.  Despite Yevoli's reputation as a tough underdog, he apparently failed to get his message across in the news media.

68.  Desreau took his complaints to the City Council this week, warning that the week-old crackdown is sending the wrong message to the business community.

69.  Despite the groups' varied interests, protest organizers say that the plight of the Palestinians embody their message that global powers victimize the disenfranchised.

70.  Derek Jeter had a feeling his message would get through, because he rarely pulls a teammate aside for a life-lesson speech.

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