41.  As for me, I was used to classify them into different groups by first impression in order to know them faster and easier .

42.  As for me, I was used to classify them into different groups by first impression in order to know them faster and easier .

43.  According to my experience, the stereotyping on campus can often be divided into two kinds, one is related to appearance, and the other is related to department or school.

44.  We like to divide people into different groups.

45.  The stereotype finally turned into the friendship.

46.  In a study , several girls were divided into two groups.

47.  The inspiring words we often used to comfort ourselves when we are drown into the endless assignments are "Hold on!

48.  Once you step into a college, all things will be beautiful.

49.  Therefore, stereotype of people from different areas is easily coming into being.

50.  How nice if my daughter could devote herself into the sprint of that final exam.

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