11.  From all these, I can draw the conclusion that no one can be simply allocated into a certain group.

12.  All the features should be taken into account before considering such a "group" or "community".

13.  When my scheduled time came, I went into the designated room and delivered my presentation in front of the judges, regarding it perfection.

14.  At that moment, I had no choice but went into the assigned room and delivered my part of the story in front of the judges.

15.  In the end, all the contestants went into a large auditorium to find out the results.

16.  Sometimes cars come into the campus but all of them are in low-speed so that the birds can still be heard by the readers.

17.  In the end, all the contestants went into a large auditorium to find out the results.

18.  " Lily rushed into the room.

19.  "\

20.  He came into the room to shut the windows while we were still in bed and I saw he looked ill.

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