61.  Just ponder for a moment on that staggering fact - practically the whole store of recorded human knowledge in the world is available to you as an individual at little or no direct cost.

62.  However, good and indispensable as personal libraries are, they are of necessity puny when compared with the whole store of human knowledge.

63.  Dewey reasoned that the whole of human knowledge could be divided into the following ten broad classes Each of these classes is then divided into nine divisions, and these in turn can be divided into nine sub-divisions or sections; zero is reserved for books of a general nature.

64.  But no human knowledge is so certain that it needs no presuppositions.

65.  This does not mean that they are eminent all scholars (a term reserved for a handful of rare spirits - like Albert Einstein, Bertrand Russell and others - who have shattered the frontiers of human knowledge, earning world-wide distinction by their intellectual endeavours).

66.  Melman argued that decentralising control, to allow workers to make decisions, is the only way to prevent the "computer illusion" that human knowledge is no longer necessary in manufacturing.

67.  Some researchers have attempted to model typical human knowledge sources in the form of" scripts " that could be activated, like human knowledge sources, when deemed relevant.

68.  However, there is much information contained in dictionary definitions, and this can be used as a crude replacement for some aspects of human knowledge.

69.  Human knowledge is as yet unable to predict such changes.

70.  This would have great significance for the professions, and would also provide a severe jolt to our understanding of the basis of human knowledge.

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