1.  For a person who does not finish college, never works for any others or any other companies in his entirely life, but follows his heart not with the flow, it is unrealistic to require everyone to arrive at this height of thought, not to mention to practise it.

2.  However, does falling in love has a negative effect on their study?

3.  But I am assured that self-efficacy does count, due to its high generalization, unique functions and technicality.

4.  But how does peoples' scientific literacy is becoming lower and lower?

5.  Why does market failure happen?

6.  Although it has been widely recognized that over-drinking does do harm to our health, there still exist numerous people who are lost in alcohol.

7.  Every person has his/her thought and judgment and does not want to be fooled.

8.  Without the people of the society does not take active part in improving the situation well being of the society does not change.

9.  Without the people of the society does not take active part in improving the situation well being of the society does not change.

10.  Having gotten some knowledge about physiological conditioning, many people have such doubt whether it benefits us or does us harm.

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