81.  As a result, Seymour said, some people cover parts of the deck with Astroturf carpeting to prevent children from coming in direct contact with the treated wood.

82.  Do they now need to pinpoint exactly where they're going to make contact?

83.  Do you know who I can contact to find out if I would be able to do that?

84.  Don't ever contact me again."

85.  Democratic politicians say that the army should be more open and have more contact with society because soldiers who befriend locals would hesitate to act against them.

86.  Doctors told players they weren't likely to contract the virus from being in normal contact with Johnson.

87.  Doyle said Mrs. Bologna was the primary contact for many offices that served the pension fund: actuaries, lawyers, consultants, insurance company representatives.

88.  Does the site provide an easy way for you to contact the trainer with questions or concerns?

89.  Douglas Reiniger, another lawyer representing the Fasanos, said their only remaining wish was that the two boys remain in contact.

90.  Denizens of the Street spent a lifetime avoiding contact with unfortunate mortals worth less than seven figures.

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