41.  As a condition of the bond, she was ordered to have no contact with any witnesses, including Kate.

42.  Despite the legions of people in New York area, the pope will have almost no contact with the general public.

43.  David Eckstein was running from first on contact and scored easily as Erstad stopped at second.

44.  Despite the regular contact, he said he doesn't receive any therapy or help in finding housing or other programs.

45.  Despite their different missions, the two agencies stay in constant contact via radio, advising each other about possible criminal activity near the Rio Grande.

46.  Diocese officials said in a statement Thursday that the claim against Fushek did not include any allegation of criminal conduct or sexual contact.

47.  Direct contact between the two metals during washing can cause permanent damage.

48.  Direct skin contact or inhalation.

49.  Despite Williams being out of action and the Clippers needing center help, there has been no contact between the two parties in weeks.

50.  Davis' throw to first to double up Salmon was too late, but Glaus broke for home on contact and never looked back.

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