61.  Of course no bright young thing who wants to make a quick buck would consider going into the ministry.

62.  Once in the terminal, consider seeking help at the in-house first-aid or medical clinic.

63.  Once the system is fully operational, then one May consider moving to an in-house installation if the economies are worthwhile.

64.  Only one of the physics students, had, for example, considered taking a degree in chemistry.

65.  Only people who are physically strong and fit should consider coming on this expedition.

66.  Organizers are considering turning off the air-conditioning for the event, or using it only sporadically.

67.  Perhaps, sir, when this contest is over, you might consider accepting my hospitality in Lisbon?

68.  Personally, we would not consider delivering a neural network unless it was embedded in an expert system.

69.  Producers must ask themselves about elasticity whenever they consider changing the prices of their goods.

70.  Prosecutors were considering filing criminal charges, and a civil suit was pending.

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