61.  Relationships between men and women seem to have loosened up.

62.  It is equal to recommend an equal role between men and women in life.

63.  There are no differences between men and women.

64.  In all societies the obvious biological difference between men and women is used as a justification for forcing them into different social roles which limit and shape their attitudes and behavior.

65.  The problem is that how they are divided between men and women.

66.  It is particularly noticeable that once the old stereotypes have been discarded, contradictions between sexes are likely to increase.

67.  We always discuss and emphasize the differences between men and women.

68.  And her nice wish about the society, the relationships between people and the beatific marriage make me believe she has a warm heart.

69.  The only difference between man and woman is that "woman" has two more letters than "man".

70.  But, this only difference results in large gap between men's and women's situations in our society.

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