21.  There still a long way to go in the process of building the truly equal between male and female.

22.  We students have seen many TV series, movies and novels talking about love between teenagers.

23.  ' I was confused that was there any connection between being a Beijing person and not knowing their Northern way of calling a Router?

24.  The difference in body and mind between men and women decides their disparate roles in the family and society.

25.  First, the physical differences between men and women are rather obvious and most of these can be seen and easily measured.

26.  The physical differences between men and women provide functional advantages and have survival value.

27.  In the same way, the psychological differences between man and women are also obvious.

28.  It's the immutable law that only by the division of labor between the male and female, can we live a better life.

29.  The difference between men and women is nothing but sex, but it's strong enough to distinguish a man from a woman easily.

30.  Collaborations between the two sex create a better life.

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