61.  Back then Scalia considered a broad testing program nothing less than "a kind of immolation of privacy and human dignity in symbolic opposition to drug use."

62.  Back then the agency considered bank heists serious enough to make room on the list for Willie Sutton, who robbed banks because that's where the money was.

63.  Indeed, until his late 20s he considered himself a composer who conducted on occasion.

64.  Ironically, Fox considers herself closer to the career-oriented Teri than to her own screen character, Maxine.

65.  Meanwhile, the music considers tradition with 1990's ears.

66.  Mind you, he considers himself the "luckiest man in the world."

67.  Maybe, because the cowpeas filled their stomachs and kept them from starvation, they considered themselves lucky.

68.  Meanwhile, the DFG considers it a major compliment that Southern California was chosen as the site of the photo.

69.  Meanwhile, the legal officials for the United Nations consider Ntakirutimana a dangerous man who should be tried and punished.

70.  Nationally, only 22 percent of the voters considered themselves independents, those exit polls showed.

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