41.  In contrast, Chinese and other Asian families today still consider the extended family a strong source of support and comfort.

42.  In fact, many consider them fightin' words.

43.  In fact, most consider his airline a promising, tightly run organization.

44.  In essence, Eibert considers the cloning ban unconstitutional, because the state has no right to prohibit a technology that would allow a person to have a child.

45.  In fact, experts consider toughness an essential attribute of weeds.

46.  In fact, he considers his pursuit of ghosts a full-time occupation.

47.  In fact, Russell considered attending Miami, along with UCLA, Cal, Notre Dame, Nebraska and Michigan, until he settled on USC.

48.  In fact, some consider him a savior.

49.  In fact, they consider the organization a joke.

50.  In any event, the Treasury considers its first new fixed-income product in more than 40 years a success.

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