61.  Rather, the FCC considers the marketplace competitive enough that the "dominant" distinction no longer serves a purpose.

62.  Recently a small group of black assistants considered a class-action discrimination lawsuit against the NFL.

63.  Regardless, AGC officials consider the law's pending repeal as a major victory.

64.  Secretly, I considered none of my peers, poor things, sophisticated enough to appreciate the unendingly erudite team.

65.  So at the first invitation, he rattled off what he considers his accomplishments.

66.  So far, NASA considers the work to develop Robonaut strictly research.

67.  So he considers himself just 0-3 against the Packers while with the 49ers.

68.  So she considered a number of private schools whose yearly tuition ranged from $8,000 to $11,000 per student.

69.  So they consider only those Swedish stocks that are trading at no more than 8.7 times their anticipated earnings for the next year.

70.  So what if detractors consider her little more than a serial social climber?

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