51.  Already she considered her cousin among "the disappeared," someone who could not be reconstructed through misty-eyed reminiscence and humorous anecdote.

52.  Now the company's considering a wager on another kind of plastic.

53.  Officially, the union considers these licensing fees as "dues" from the players.

54.  Now, he considers himself primarily a third baseman.

55.  On the other hand, he considers himself "unrecruitable," which suggests that he has his eyes on bigger things at Schwab.

56.  Now, she considers the case of a man charged with shoplifting.

57.  One by one, Scheck considered the prosecution's alternative explanations for the blood on the sock, only to swat them away.

58.  Particularly when you consider the alternatives.

59.  Overall, Noxon considers season five of "Buffy" among the show's better ones.

60.  Remarkably, the Gunnison sage grouse was never even considered a subspecies of the more widely distributing northern sage grouse.

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