1.  Freshmen are usually interested in many activities so they join in four or five or more at the same time.

2.  Men have advantages in power, which women are weak at.

3.  Men and women can cooperate well when they deal with the respective part which they are good at.

4.  If we urge women to do the work they aren't good at, it brings some kind of hurt to them as well as un-respect to men.

5.  All people are willing to work they are good at.

6.  But the ability is still stay at very low-level, for which the most related reason is that I had few practice during my usual study and had no idea how to learn English well.

7.  These are facts that one can do things better in what he is good at.

8.  Among the four skills , What I am good at is reading , while what I am not good at is listening .

9.  When reading, you can see how the words cooperate with each other to shape what you are looking at.

10.  Adam Smith once proposed the theory of division and cooperation of labor, which insisted that if anyone focused on producing the thing he was good at, the overall and individual efficiency would be soared, so would a country.

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