1.   And the faithful still see annexation as one way to pay that bill -- and no proof it will work is required.

2.   Ankara diplomats saw his resignation as a way of distancing himself from an unpopular government.

3.   As more is revealed, the audience begins to see Wendy as a survivor rather than a victim.

4.   Chiarelli sees light rail as an alternative to widening the busy Airport Parkway which parallels the route near South Keys.

5.   Diplomats saw his resignation as a way of distancing himself from an unpopular government.

6.   He also, at first, saw conscientious objection as a key to mobilizing opposition to the war itself.

7.   He is not especially fond of killing animals but, as a countryman, he sees culling deer as a necessity.

8.   He saw drugs as a way of escaping the tedium of his everyday existence.

9.   He saw legal authority as characteristic of modern Western societies.

10.   He saw the job as a step down.

v. + n + as + n >>共 814
use 8.80%
see 5.60%
describe 3.00%
identify 2.31%
take 2.16%
have 2.00%
view 1.97%
be 1.39%
make 1.38%
regard 1.27%
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