1.   Many white troopers remain angry with the governor, the trooper said.

2.   Although the film placed her in the top ranks, she remains angry with the director, Dutchman Paul Verhoeven.

3.   Vlora residents remain angry with Berisha and his party, whom they blame for the lost money and the hundreds of deaths during the insurgency.

4.   Vlora residents remain angry with Berisha and his party, who they blame for the lost money and the hundreds of deaths during the insurgency.

v. + angry + with >>共 9
be 81.62%
get 7.30%
become 5.95%
grow 1.89%
feel 1.08%
remain 1.08%
appear 0.54%
make 0.27%
stay 0.27%
remain + angry + p. >>共 4
at 46.43%
about 25.00%
over 14.29%
with 14.29%
每页显示:    共 4