21.   And while some experts responded to it with a sigh of relief, others were furious that those debates were being declared moot.

22.   And that makes the whole exercise moot.

23.   Another is to make sure there is an enforcement mechanism that will not render the legislative reforms moot.

24.   And, of course, if Maruyama fires out a round that is a few shots under par, the point will be moot.

25.   Any trash talking or message sending would be moot.

26.   As a result, their effectiveness becomes moot, analysts said.

27.   Appeal is a moot issue, politically.

28.   As far as Augusto Pinochet is concerned, however, the intellectual questions are moot.

29.   As far as the Czech orchestra goes, the issue is largely moot.

30.   As a result, the marriage case has been dismissed as moot.

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