91.   But if you go bankrupt in the meantime, the issue is moot.

92.   But looking for other Phish analogies is moot.

93.   But most of the waivers are expected soon, and in any case will be moot if welfare bills moving ahead in Congress become law.

94.   But in this case, that distinction is moot because the child has been born.

95.   But now that debate is moot, a team of primate experts reports in a paper in the September issue of the peer-reviewed journal Conservation Biology.

96.   But now that debate is moot, a team of primatologists reports in an article in the forthcoming issue of the peer-reviewed journal Conservation Biology.

97.   But its entry would make the issue almost moot.

98.   But its use in recent years to pay for big-ticket items like television ads has rendered such distinctions almost moot.

99.   But some aides believe Merrill prefers to remain in New Hampshire as governor and thus the matter would be moot.

100.   But many of these preparations now seem moot unless Rocker surprises the Braves and baseball and does end up on a train.

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