31.   Beta blockade should also be considered in the high-risk patients.

32.   Blomquist also considered the possibility that the driver finds use of the seat belt disagreeable.

33.   Britain, said the press, was considering buying Exocet missiles, having been caught with trousers down.

34.   By the early seventies both were considered unremarkable occupational hazards of life in the gay fast lane.

35.   By the mid-Fifties he considered himself the natural leader of world Communism.

36.   Certain animals were considered sacred by the Aztecs.

37.   Children were considered ineligible to be controls if they were a twin, were adopted, or had a serious congenital defect.

38.   Claire was a very good-looking woman, Harvey considered, watching her pour a drink and sit down opposite to him.

39.   Congress was once again considering raising the federal debt ceiling.

40.   Creative maps have been drawn, land swaps considered, municipal powers mixed and matched.

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