21.   As the taxi-driver played the brake and accelerator game and jolted him through the dark London streets, Mark considered his position.

22.   As we all have the choice of spending or saving, some simple form of wealth tax could be considered, too.

23.   At home, political involvement was always considered a righteous thing, a civic thing, a good thing.

24.   At no point throughout his coalition negotiations did Barak consider the Arab parties as potential partners.

25.   At that time I was considered one of the best software engineers of my generation.

26.   Because they were of different sizes, people considered the group a family.

27.   Before buying a car you should consider the cost of insuring it.

28.   Before Reagan turned on the waterworks, crying in public was widely considered a sign of weakness.

29.   Before you resign, you should consider the effect it will have on your family.

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