61.   Another study showed that infertile women who finally did conceive had a spontaneous decline in anxiety before conception.

62.   As I conceive it, my own death takes place many decades hence at my yet imaginary regular table at the Four Seasons.

63.   Astrophysicists conceive of other possible sources of repulsive energy in forms that go by such names as X-matter and quintessence.

64.   At least a million married women are unable to conceive and cannot afford the IVF process.

65.   At one point when Corsetti and his wife, Denise, were struggling to cope with their inability to conceive a child, Symons paid extra attention.

66.   At one point, she and Tipton tried to conceive a child, Ms. Cox said, but she believed she had suffered a miscarriage.

67.   At the same time, the mother may risk health complications from delivery including losing the ability ever to conceive again.

68.   At that same time, growing numbers of single women and lesbian couples are choosing to conceive using donor sperm.

69.   Ballmer said he could not conceive of acceding to a demand that the browser be removed from Windows.

70.   Baffert said with aplomb when he was asked how many horses he could conceive of entering in a Kentucky Derby.

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