41.   I cannot conceive how a breach of this kind can be remedied.

42.   They might actually find it impossible to conceive of themselves without the slaves or serfs who defined their status.

43.   The former I conceive as the application of social science methodology to historical research.

44.   It is not necessary to suppose that the design of a body or organ is the best that an engineer could conceive of.

45.   Government began to conceive its duties as extending beyond those of maintaining law and order and of defending the realm.

46.   Erm I had a company called and Advertising erm where I went along to a company and would conceive promotion for them.

47.   Er if it was a double glazing company or a kitchen company I would conceive a promotion.

48.   The capacity of the brain to conceive or hold on to any information.

49.   There are other considerations too in cases of rape and incest where the female could not exercise her choice not to conceive.

50.   It takes some years for the populace to realize that couples need not conceive so many children merely to ensure the survival of two or three.

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