1.   #SNSD lalala #SNSD whooosh #SNSD is this considered spam?

2.   Considered a&e but decided the damage is done now, why bother.

3.   Considered Dell Mini, tried keyboard, nearly threw it across the room.

4.   Considered displaying smoke toys or something but don't have any!

5.   considered novel/story possibilities re gf, thought 'hm, seems hard,' conclusively thought 'just kill yourself if her plane crashed'

6.   Considered twitpicing the wound but I'll spare you guys..

7.   considered yaself followed kid

8.   hilarious considered i "flapped" randomly in the kroger parking lot on turkey burger night.

9.   i don't think its considered facial hair, but you should google it to double check :)

10.   I feel the same way, if you don't then its considered lying.

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