1.   The proposed stability criteria are formulated in the form of linear matrix inequalities and it is easy to check the robust stability of the considered systems.

2.   In combination with the considered methods of decomposition and aggregation, it enables analyzing systems of much higher dimension.

3.   The considered manifold M is a homogeneous Riemannian space with the given action of an isometry transformation group.

4.   According to this approach, the investigation of the consistency of the considered problem is reduced to the investigation of the solvability of a system of integral equations.

5.   For this class most of the above considered concepts may be neatly formulated and developped.

6.   The implantation of PALMA has provided qualitative and quantitative improvements in the work performed by the people in charge of the considered control network.

7.   It is shown that the considered competing risks models may be estimated within the framework of generalized linear models.

8.   The NB distribution is valid for most of the considered cases.

9.   The considered hysteresis relation is relay hysteresis in both models.

10.   For SLC-values, area was more important than habitat type, and its relevance increased with the extent of the considered landscape.

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