1.   These agents were considered to possess potent immunomodulatory properties.

2.   Problems of testing program systems modeled by deterministic finite automata are considered.

3.   This case study analysis has led to the evolution of the parent as researcher paradigm, and the implications for the practical implementation of this model will be considered.

4.   Variation of fluid properties with temperature has been considered.

5.   The effects of radiative transfer and variable properties have been separately and systematically considered.

6.   For the conditions considered, the results show that the variable properties exert a stronger influence compared to radiative transfer alone.

7.   The measurement of small dielectric losses using a cylindrical H 01p cavity resonator is considered.

8.   Conclusions: Zopiclone and temazepam can be considered as effective hypnotics in elderly subjects when administered in that dosage.

9.   A method for the simplified calculation of the corresponding limit distribution is considered.

10.   The crystallization of amorphous inhomogeneity regions, which are formed as a result of phase separation, is considered in the model.

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