1.   Every nuance is considered, examined, and reapplied for what amounts to a reconstructed Roy.

2.   For those with prolonged diseases, medical specialists must confirm that other treatments have been tried or considered.

3.   Gingrich, however, later told reporters that he meant only that a flat tax should be considered and not necessarily brought to a vote soon.

4.   He added, "Any possible scheduling changes will be considered and discussed with the NBA in the next week to 10 days."

5.   He gets the scripts with fingerprints on them, reading for the parts that already have been considered and rejected by other actors.

6.   He said his members were shocked to hear how swiftly the three-year requirement had been considered and approved.

7.   He was released last week following a brief imprisonment while Argentina considered _ and rejected _ an Italian extradition request.

8.   Historians say the Constitutional Convention in 1787 considered and rejected term limits.

9.   I considered and discarded the idea of sending out for pizza to cheer them up.

10.   If considered inadequate, Israeli troops could re-enter areas Palestinian self-rule areas they once occupied within days, the sources said.

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