81.   Arthritis, neurological symptoms and heart abnormalities occur weeks to months after infection, and are considered signs of late disease.

82.   Anyone who recorded an IQ of 70 or less before age 18 and had "significant limitations in adaptive functioning" would be considered retarded.

83.   Despite those three champions, Riddick Bowe and Tyson are widely considered the world's best heavyweights.

84.   Daimler-Benz AG, considered the most dollar-sensitive share in the DAX, fell 23.50 marks, or 3.10 percent, to 713.

85.   Dershowitz engaged in angry exchanges both with Hyde and Representative Bob Barr, a Georgia Republican who is considered the panel's leading Clinton foe.

86.   Described by colleagues as a moderate Republican, he was considered by the administration for a number of top level jobs.

87.   Described by friends as shaken by what he considered a betrayal by Bulger, Bertonazzi appeared gracious when he took the floor to urge support for Birmingham.

88.   Describing herself as a writer, artist and healing consultant, Hathaway said she had once considered writing a book on parenting.

89.   Dale Earnhardt Jr. considered such discussions, fanned early this week on racing Internet sites, to be "ridiculous."

90.   Deutsche Bank said the size of the loan-loss provision was still considered minimal and did not mean the bank would sustain significant damage from Asia.

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