1.   At length a peasant was found who suited our purpose; but he considered two florins per diem too little pay, so I was obliged to give an additional zwanziger.

2.   A skilful physician, Mrs. Blower, knows how to bring down that robust health, which is a very alarming state of the frame when it is considered secundum artem .

3.   The ceremony of their homage was grateful to a people who had long since considered pride as the substitute of power.

4.   How can I possibly be so when I know myself that I am considered one?

5.   [4] Loud public wailing of this kind is customary, and considered indispensable, among the peasants.

6.   EDITOR'S PREFACE The _Modern Educator's Library_ has been designed to give considered expositions of the best theory and practice in English education of to-day.

7.   The mass of literature, including of course the considered utterances of men whose words exercise the most influence in moulding the opinions and guiding the action of others, grows from day to day.

8.   On the other hand, this peril notwithstanding, it was the considered view of those responsible that war neither ought to be regarded as being inevitable, nor was so in fact.

9.   This is not the place for an analysis of that questioning and illuminating response, nor for a considered estimate of Huizinga's work as a whole; but there is room for a word about his last years.

10.   The truculent German, Ger-mane, Heer-mann, War-man, considered carnage the only useful occupation, and despised agriculture as enervating and ignoble.

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