41.   LXVII. From this moment I am to be considered as heir-apparent to the Shandy family— and it is from this point properly, that the story of my Life and my Opinions sets out.

42.   Kasan is justly called the "Gate of Asia" and considered as the center of Siberian and Bokharian commerce; for two roads begin here and lead across the Ural Mountains.

43.   Had these officers for a moment considered the improbability of this fact, they would certainly not have credited what they heard.

44.   This had been considered by the Grand Duke and his officers as fortunate.

45.   There are no plants in this genus that are considered poisonous.

46.   The Elm Pleurotus, so called from growing on elm trees, is considered edible.

47.   This Boletus is considered poisonous.

48.   It is considered good for food and nourishing, but the taste is said to be rather acid.

49.   A Few Questions Briefly Considered 1.

50.   The home of green boughs is considered by many the ideal of camp shelters.

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