81.   All the definitions considered indicate a conscious act on the part of the victim.

82.   All the dynamics and unpredictability are considered caused by lack of analysis, unwanted waste, variations and exceptions.

83.   All the Eight steps on Patanjali's Path are considered parts of one's sadhanna.

84.   Invasion wasn't considered an "alternative" to dropping the bomb.

85.   Investing money, particularly in a parks business, is always considered a risky move, but it can pay off dividends.

86.   Investing progams and information mentioned or detailed are given as reference only and must not be considered as a recommendation.

87.   Investing, while considered a 'bet' in many ways, is not the same thing as gambling.

88.   Investment and cooperation with others can be considered down, the best to cooperate with the stable and reliable trade or investment stability.

89.   Investment in wellness programs will be considered more seriously.

90.   Investments once considered as stable as granite are rapidly losing ground, Lubaszka explains.

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