21.   Instead, the book should be considered in the spirit of the storyline and how compelling the writing is.

22.   Instead, they are more concerned with what propositions ought to be considered basic and embraceable by a normal, rational human being.

23.   Instead, this Sikh scripture, the Guru Granth Sahib, would be considered the final word and the final guru.

24.   Institutes with the best faculty are always considered apt as they have experienced staff that can guide better than others.

25.   Insurance companies and HMOs will cover the cost of these surgeries since they are considered medically necessary.

26.   Insurance could be considered an expense, but when it comes to this, health and life are at risk.

27.   Insurance coverage is considered as a valid document which certifies your claim over all the legal procedures that are guaranteed by the policy.

28.   Insurance for any risk that you may be able to cover out of pocket can be considered a waste of money.

29.   Insurance might be considered an expense, but when it comes down to it, health and lives are at risk.

30.   Intellectual and academic freedom were considered subversive to national security and the patriotic ideal.

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